Here is the first volume of Desktop Textures in my Nocturnal Emissions series. I often find that I have nothing to do so I create several Textures at once. When I feel I have accumilated enough of them I submit them to the good people on the Internet. I have noticed quite a few people are creating their own Textures and they are kind enough to upload them...they were my inspiration. Thanks to everyone who uploads their creations. When distributing the Texture collection please include this Read Me document. Andrew L. Smith E-mail: WWW:˜alsmith2 "Check out my Web Page!" Volume2 Coming Soon. January 10th, 1996 Disclaimer Crap Just in case these Textures burn up your Mac, not that they will, I'm supposed to say: "I cannot be held responsible for any mishaps caused by the contents of this file or any other files within its folder." -So there! Enjoy.